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Metall­technik Schmidt — Bridge between
tra­di­tional quality work­manship and state-of-the-art future-ori­ented technology.

Pio­neers in blasting abra­sives and
blasting process optimisation.

For more than 50 years, Metall­technik Schmidt has seen itself as a sup­plier of high-quality abra­sives and a driver of inno­vative tech­niques in the blasting process. The rapid eco­nomic ascent, right at the beginning of the com­pany’s history, is due to the resounding success of FERROSAD, a low-carbon steel blasting abrasive with very high sta­bility. Over time, in addition to FERROSAD, other inno­vative abra­sives such as the alu­minium gra­nulate ALUSAD and prac­tical addi­tional pro­ducts such as the MTS-3000 magnetic floor cleaner have been deve­loped. Today, Metall­technik Schmidt pro­duces in three-shift ope­ration and sup­plies its high-quality abra­sives to the auto­motive industry, foundries, rolling mills and many other indus­tries worldwide.

Mile­stones in the company history.

In its company history, Metall­technik Schmidt has been a mover and shaker in deve­loping new pro­ducts and ser­vices and has repea­tedly gained attention with con­vincing, well thought-through solu­tions. In the future, too, we will remain com­mitted to the material “metal” and the prin­ciple of “inno­vation”. Here you can see our very per­sonal mile­stones, which have cer­tainly also con­tri­buted to the opti­mi­sation of the blasting process for some of our customers:


Steel abrasive

In the labo­ratory of the KARL SCHMIDT alu­minium smelting plant in Stuttgart, a steel gra­nulate with a carbon content of less than 0.1% was melted and then ato­mised at 1700°C in a spe­cially guided water jet. The result was a low-carbon steel abrasive that is extremely durable and vir­tually crack-free: FERROSAD.


Metall­technik Schmidt

The strong demand for FERROSAD led to the foun­dation of the METALL­TECHNIK SCHMIDT GMBH & CO. company, which expanded rapidly in the fol­lowing years.


New building
Abra­sives plant

As early as 1968, a new abra­sives plant was built in Fil­der­stadt-Plat­ten­hardt – even then with state-of-the-art tech­nology and ultra-modern induction fur­naces. We have remained true to this standard to this day.


Expansion and renewal
of the smelting capacities

The eco­nomic success required an expansion of the smelting capa­cities. In the course of this, the entire smelting plant faci­lities were com­pletely renewed.


Expansion of
pro­duction capacities

Already in 1998, capacity had to be expanded again to meet the worldwide demand for FERROSAD, our high-quality steel abrasive.


New building
High-bay warehouse

Just-in-time deli­veries and the con­tinued increase in sales figures neces­si­tated a modern high-bay warehouse, which was com­pleted in 2004 with a storage capacity of 6000 tonnes.


of the smelting technology

In order to maintain the company´s com­pe­titive edge over the long term, smelting tech­nology equipment was renewed to the current state-of-the-art. Today, approx. 60000 tonnes of FERROSAD are pro­duced annually.


Quality Management System
ISO 9001

In this year, the pro­cesses already con­verted to ISO 9001 were suc­cessfully certified.


of the pro­duction technology

In order to maintain the delivery quality and the per­manent impro­ve­ments of the pro­cesses, the already fully-auto­mated warehouse transport systems and gra­nulate filling plants addi­tio­nally received extended capa­cities of the BigBag station and the 25 kg. bag filling plant was com­pletely renewed.


Energy Management System
ISO 50001

In addition to the already suc­cessful cer­ti­fi­cation of ISO 9001 quality management, cer­ti­fi­cation of the ISO 50001 energy management system was also suc­cessfully intro­duced at METALL­TECHNIK SCHMIDT GMBH & CO. KG in 2012.


Envi­ron­mental Management System
ISO 14001

In 2017, cer­ti­fi­cation of the ISO 14001 envi­ron­mental management system was also suc­cessfully intro­duced at METALL­TECHNIK SCHMIDT GMBH & CO. KG.

We see our­selves as part of your process chain. 

Metall­technik Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG . Schul­straße 41 . D‑70794 Fil­der­stadt . Phone: +49 711 779 907–0 . Email: