The perfect surface depends on many parameters. Before, during and after the blasting process.
As a system provider, we know the requirements for a perfect surface intimately. We supply you with the optimum abrasive and the complete know-how for the entire blasting process with it. How is the upstream process designed, which blasting machine should be used and how is the product further processed? Together with you, we examine all upstream and downstream processes and also carry out our own blasting tests. With us, you will always achieve the desired result in four clear steps, also and especially with regard to the overall process costs.
Efficiency, in the end that’s what it’s all about:
After all, increased efficiency encompasses the advantages of a holistic approach. It is all about the right choice of abrasive, alloy, grain size and mixture, all of which must be optimally matched to one another, to your product and to your equipment. Then the result is worth seeing, in every respect:
- Optimised blasting times
- Optimised abrasive consumption
- Optimised system wear
- Optimised dust disposal costs
First of all, we look at the entire environment of the blasting process together with you, we analyse the details and understand the interrelationships:
- Which procedures of your upstream processes have an influence on your blasting process?
- Which plant technology (blasting plant) is operated for the process?
- What further processing or treatment follows the blasting process?
- What requirements do the downstream processes need to fulfil?
Once all the information has been evaluated, including the blasting tests on our own blasting machine, you will receive a clear recommendation as to which abrasive, which grain size is …
- suitable for your material
- suitable for your plant technology
(blasting plant) - suitable for your process times
- suitable for your objective
Once all the information has been evaluated, including the blasting tests on our own blasting machine, you will receive a clear recommendation as to which abrasive, which grain size is …
- suitable for your material
- suitable for your plant technology
(blasting plant) - suitable for your process times
- suitable for your objective
Our technical service accompanies and logs your blasting process on-site and observes precisely whether it is stable and target-oriented.
- We control the particle size distribution and development of your operating mixture.
- We monitor the efficiency of the blasting plant during the blasting process.
- We optimise the functionality by controlling the system parameters.
- Our findings go directly into preventive error detection.
After the blasting process we take a close look at the result. Were the jointly set goals achieved by the blasting process? And where is further potential for optimisation?
- Checking the Rz/Ry/Ra roughness (if required in the application)
- Checking the degree of purity
- Checking the blasting pattern
- Checking the process times
After the blasting process we take a close look at the result. Were the jointly set goals achieved by the blasting process? And where is further potential for optimisation?
- Checking the Rz/Ry/Ra roughness (if required in the application)
- Checking the degree of purity
- Checking the blasting pattern
- Checking the process times
Magnetic floor cleaner MTS-3000
For more cleanliness in your production.
Metalltechnik Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG . Schulstraße 41 . D‑70794 Filderstadt . Phone: +49 711 779 907–0 . Email: