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Alu­minium copper-free blasting abrasive

ALUSAD is a high-quality cast alu­minium blasting medium. With a copper content < 0.03% it is prac­ti­cally copper-free. It spe­ci­fi­cally meets the requi­re­ments of elec­tro­che­mi­cally neutral blasting of aluminium.

Al 30

1.60 — 3.00 mm

Al 25

1.00 — 2.50 mm

Al 20

0.80 — 2.00 mm

Al 15

0.80 — 1.50 mm

Al 10

0.30 — 1.00 mm

Che­mical analysis:
approx. 10.5 %
max. 0.15 %
max. 0.03 %
Hardness: HV 0.3
(ISO 11125–3/ISO 6507)
in new grain: 90 — 100
in ope­ration: 140 — 160
Bulk density

1.4 — 1.6 kg/​dm³

Grain sizes:
AL 30 1.60 — 3.00 mm
AL 25 1.00 — 2.50 mm
AL 20 0.80 — 2.00 mm
AL 15 0.80 — 1.50 mm
AL 10 0.30 — 1.00 mm
Areas of application:

The alu­minium blasting agent ALUSAD is par­ti­cu­larly sui­table for elec­tro­che­mi­cally neutral blasting for desanding alu­minium sand casting or for deburring alu­minium die casting or alu­minium forging blasting. Fur­thermore, the ALUSAD abrasive is sui­table for the cleaning blasting of magnesium castings.

Delivery form:
Packed in PE bags of 20 kg. each. Shipment is made on Euro pallets in units of 500 kg (25 bags @ 20 kg. each). The pallet is pro­tected with a card­board box and shrink-wrap foil.

Che­mical analysis:

Si approx. 10.5 %
Fe max. 0.15 %
Cu max. 0.03 %

Hardness: HV 0.3
(ISO 11125–3/ISO 6507)

in new grain: 90 — 100
in ope­ration: 140 — 160

Bulk density

1.4 — 1.6 kg/​dm

Grain sizes:

AL 30 1.60 — 3.00 mm
AL 25 1.00 — 2.50 mm
AL 20 0.80 — 2.00 mm
AL 15 0.80 — 1.50 mm
AL 10 0.30 — 1.00 mm


The alu­minium blasting medium ALUSAD is par­ti­cu­larly sui­table for elec­tro­che­mi­cally neutral blasting for desanding alu­minium sand casting or for deburring alu­minium die casting or alu­minium forging blasting. Fur­thermore, the ALUSAD abrasive is sui­table for the cleaning blasting of magnesium castings.

Delivery form:

Packed in PE bags of 20 kg. each. Shipment is made on Euro pallets in units of 500 kg (25 bags @ 20 kg. each). The pallet is pro­tected with a card­board box and shrink-wrap foil.

See also the article:

“Blasting abrasive for alu­minium and magnesium casting”

“Elec­tro­che­mi­cally neutral blasting of aluminum”

Metall­technik Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG . Schul­straße 41 . D‑70794 Fil­der­stadt . Phone: +49 711 779 907–0 . Email: