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Low carbon steel abrasive

Low carbon steel abrasive is excep­tio­nally long-lasting and extremely durable because it is vir­tually crack-free. Due to the micros­tructure and material pro­perties achieved directly after gra­nu­lation, the gra­nules do not need to be sub­jected to sub­se­quent heat tre­atment. On the other hand, most high carbon steel abra­sives develop surface cracks during the ato­mi­sation process, which is caused by the high carbon content and the resulting high level of hardness. During the heat tre­atment required for this reason, the existing cracks can become even larger.

Our quality gua­rantee
with che­mical analysis.

Made in Germany

Our company pro­cesses are cer­tified according to ISO 9001. The meti­cu­lously coor­di­nated pro­cesses are checked by regular internal and external audits. These also include regular che­mical ana­lyses.
The objective of this process is con­stant, homo­ge­neous product quality. More infor­mation …

Simply more effi­cient: Ferrosad in prac­tical test.

The com­pa­rison between low and high carbon steel abra­sives in the blasting process is also dealt with in the tech­nical lite­rature. Among other publi­ca­tions, the advan­tages Ferrosad offers and how it per­forms can be read about here. More …

F 11 / S 930

2.80 — 3.15 mm

F 13 / S 780

2.00 — 2.80 mm

F 13–16 / S 660

1.80 — 2.60 mm

F 16 / S 550

1.50 — 2.20 mm

F 16–20 / S 460

1.20 — 1.80 mm

F 20 / S 390

1.00 — 1.60 mm

F 24 / S 330

0.80 — 1.20 mm

F 24–34 / S 280

0.70 — 1.10 mm

F 34 / S 230

0.60 — 0.90 mm

F 55G / S 170

0.50 — 0.80 mm

F 55F / S 110

0.30 — 0.60 mm

F 70 / S 070

0.20 — 0.40 mm


low carbon steel abrasive

with a bai­nitic structure.

Che­mical analysis: C
approx. 0.10 %
approx. 0.15 %
approx. 1.15 %
approx. 0.015 %
approx. 0.015 %
(ISO 11125–3
ISO 6507)
in new grain: 390 — 430
in ope­ration: 440 — 480
The low-carbon steel abrasive is pro­duced from high-quality steel scrap. Due to its low carbon content and its purity with regard to harmful ele­ments such as phos­phorus and sulphur, a pre­do­mi­nantly bai­nitic structure is formed after the ato­mi­sation process, which has an optimum com­bi­nation of hardness and toughness and is effi­cient, resistant and durable in operation.
Due to these pro­perties, namely the material structure and the fact that the surface is largely free of cracks, many users have been able to reduce con­sumption signi­fi­cantly com­pared to other metallic abra­sives, in some cases by more than 20%.
Packed in PE bags of 20 kg each. The shipment is made on Euro pallets in units of 1000 kg (50 bags @ 20 kg). The pallet is pro­tected with a card­board box and shrink-wrap foil. Or in1000 kg BigBag on Euro pallet pro­tected by shrink-wrap.
Or in barrels (2 pces. @ 800 kg ea.) on 1 Euro pallet and pro­tected by shrink-wrap.

High carbon

steel abrasive

often shows cracked mar­ten­sitic micro structure.

approx. 0.80 %
approx. 0.70 %
approx. 0.60 %
approx. 0.05 %
approx. 0.05 %
(ISO 11125–3
ISO 6507)
in ope­ration: 420 — 480


low carbon steel abrasive

with a bai­nitic structure.

Che­mical analysis:

Capprox. 0.10 %
Siapprox. 0.15 %
Mnapprox. 1.15 %
Papprox. 0.015 %
Sapprox. 0.015 %

Hardness: HV 1
((ISO 11125–3, ISO 6507)

in new grain: 390 — 430
in ope­ration: 440 — 480


The low-carbon steel abrasive is pro­duced from high-quality steel scrap. Due to its low carbon content and its purity with regard to harmful ele­ments such as phos­phorus and sulphur, a pre­do­mi­nantly bai­nitic structure is formed after the ato­mi­sation process, which has an optimum com­bi­nation of hardness and toughness and is effi­cient, resistant and durable in ope­ration.


Due to these pro­perties, namely the material structure and the fact that the surface is largely free of cracks, many users have been able to reduce con­sumption signi­fi­cantly com­pared to other metallic abra­sives, in some cases by more than 20%.

Delivery form

Packed in PE bags of 20 kg each. The shipment is made on Euro pallets in units of 1000 kg (50 bags @ 20 kg). The pallet is pro­tected with a card­board box and shrink-wrap foil. Or in1000 kg BigBag on Euro pallet pro­tected by shrink-wrap.
Or in barrels (2 pces. @ 800 kg ea.) on 1 Euro pallet and pro­tected by shrink-wrap.

High carbon

steel abrasive

often shows cracked
mar­ten­sitic micro

Che­mical analysis:

C approx. 0.80 %
Si approx. 0.70 %
Mn approx. 0.60 %
P approx. 0.05 %
S approx. 0.05 %

Hardness: HV 1
((ISO 11125–3, ISO 6507)

in ope­ration: 420 — 480

Magnetic floor cleaner MTS-3000

For more cle­an­liness in your production.

More infor­mation …

Metall­technik Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG . Schul­straße 41 . D‑70794 Fil­der­stadt . Phone: +49 711 779 907–0 . Email: