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We are not the only ones con­vinced:
Publi­ca­tions on the subject of blasting pro­cesses with steel or alu­minium abrasives.

Which abrasive achieves the most effi­cient result for which product is not a question that con­cerns us alone. This is why we are happy to work with external and inde­pendent experts, for example from the Uni­versity of Hohenheim, or with reco­g­nised spe­cialist maga­zines. Here we have sel­ected some articles on the subject of blasting process for you.

GIES­SEREI (engl. FOUNDRY) trade journal

Blasting abrasive for alu­minium and magnesium casting

The Fil­der­stadt blasting abrasive spe­cialist Metall­technik Schmidt has deve­loped the new alu­minium gra­nulate Alusad, which is par­ti­cu­larly sui­table for blasting alu­minium and magnesium cas­tings. What is new is that this blasting medium is neither pro­duced from drawn wire (alu­minium wire grain) nor by shredding secondary raw mate­rials, but is an alu­minium gra­nulate pro­duced in a smelting and casting process.

GIES­SEREI (engl. FOUNDRY) trade journal

Elec­tro­che­mi­cally neutral blasting of aluminium

The new alu­minium gra­nulate Alusad from the Fil­der­stadt spe­cialist for blasting media, MTS, is spe­cially adapted to the demands of the auto­motive industry for a copper-free blasting abrasive.

JOT – Journal für Ober­flä­chen­technik (Journal for Surface Technology)

More eco­no­mical with low carbon steel abrasive

By swit­ching from high-carbon to low-carbon steel abrasive, a manu­fac­turer of com­ponents for gas and oil pipe­lines reduced the process costs for blasting and improved the working con­di­tions in the open air blasting room.

GIES­SEREI (engl. FOUNDRY) trade journal

Low carbon steel abrasive Ferrosad is tested

Isselburg Guss und Bear­beitung GmbH, Isselburg, Germany, is a high-per­for­mance, medium-sized company with approx. 240 employees and spe­cia­lises in the deve­lo­pment, engi­neering and pro­duction of ready-to-install com­ponents made of cast iron with nodular gra­phite, cast iron with lamellar gra­phite and ver­mi­cular cast iron. Housings, axles, fly­wheels, brake discs and sumps, inter alia, are pro­duced on modern, fle­xible machining lines. In order to increase the eco­nomic effi­ciency of the pro­duction process while main­taining the highest surface quality, a joint project was started with Metall­technik Schmidt GmbH & Co.KG, Fil­der­stadt: “Opti­mi­sation of the blasting process”.

The perfect surface depends on many parameters.

Metall­technik Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG . Schul­straße 41 . D‑70794 Fil­der­stadt . Phone: +49 711 779 907–0 . Email: